Welcome to Our Website

Take a look at our services and come to us for an individual or group session!

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Our Services

Individual Therapy

One to one treatments mean that clients receive personalized attention from a therapist who works only with them at that particular time.

Group Classes

During group classes, several people take part in a training or therapy session at the same time, which is led by a specialist.

Online Opportunities

Online options are services that can be accessed via the Internet, such as virtual training sessions, therapy consultations or courses.

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Registration for group lessons

Please fill out our health form so that you can register for our classes and our instructors can see your current physical condition!

Our Therapist

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Therapeutic massage therapist
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Yoga instructor

They Said About Us

Peter O
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I had problems with my waist

I had problems with my waist, I went, they were very helpful. The place and the attitude of the workers are impeccable. I can only recommend it to everyone!
P. Noémi
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Viki found a solution to every problem

Viki found a solution to every problem that others waved at and recommended a pain-relieving patch (in her twenties!). Of course, for this you have to do your homework conscientiously, but it’s really up to us. Finally, neither my back nor my neck hurts, and I also had time to prepare for having a baby with my supporting muscles.
F. Andrea
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A legjobb hangulatfokozó

A legjobb hangulatfokozó: egy óra torna Zsanival!  Zsani szakértelme, figyelmessége, kedvessége örömmel töltött el, hogy hetente jártam konditerembe. A hátam sem fáj, fizikailag is jobban érzem magam. Sőt, ha rossz kedvem van, az edzőterem után letisztul. Kösz!




Our address

1093 Budapest, Gönczy Pál utca 4. (doorbell number 28, 1st floor)

Opening hours

Mon - Thu: 8:00 - 20:00
Fri: 8:00 - 18:00

Make a contact !!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us